2023 > Valmy

Reenactment of the Battle of Valmy 1792
Come and watch the great parade of soldiers of 1792, French, Prussians, Austrians who will cross the village of Valmy to reach the site of the battle.
At the foot of the Valmy Mill, you will witness a cannonade of General Dumouriez's soldiers against the Prussians.
Musket fire, heroic accusations,... all permeated by the smell of black powder, this is the program of this revolutionary day from Friday, August 18 to Sunday, August 20, 2023.
18/08 : Construction of the camps
19/08 : Camplife, campagnemars, parade, animations
20/08 : Reenactment of the battle of 1792
This historical animation will be an opportunity to conjure up the significance of this struggle that sparked the revolution and would later change Europe with the establishment of democracy.
Bivouacs and animations around the Valmy mill!!

ARGONNE 1792 - VALMY 2023
Saturday, August 19 and Sunday, August 20, 2023, in the shadow of the mill of Valmy, an exceptional event in the greater East of France and Europe due to its historical importance after the "Battle of Valmy" of September 20, 1792; the birth of the Republic and its values, but also of Europe and democracy.
Saturday, August 19 is dedicated to the discovery of the French military camp set up at the foot of the Mill and the various activities led by a group of artists and reenactors for a lively performance of life in the 18th century, concert and fireworks in the evening, visible from the A4 motorway.
The great reconstitution of this battle is for Sunday, August 20. After the military parade, the soldiers will go to the battlefield where the revolutionary troops, led by General KELLERMAN, will confront the Prussian soldiers under the command of the Duke of BRUNSWIJK
The historic center of Valmy 1792 and the Mill will be open to the public all weekend.